What are the common uses of ammonia?

August 2, 2023

By Srujal Sharma

What Are The Common Uses Of Ammonia

Ammonia, with the chemical formula NH3, is a compound made up of nitrogen and hydrogen atoms. It is a colorless gas at room temperature with a sharp, pungent odor that is easily detectable even in low concentrations. Despite its unpleasant smell, ammonia has a wide range of applications due to its unique chemical properties.

Ammonia is commonly used in agriculture as a fertilizer, as it provides essential nitrogen to plants for growth and development. Additionally, refrigeration systems utilize ammonia as a refrigerant, owing to its low boiling point and ability to absorb heat. In addition, it is used in household cleaning products as an effective degreaser and cleaner.

The industrial sector employs ammonia in the production of various chemicals, including fertilizers, plastics, and explosives. Moreover, the food production industry relies on ammonia as a crucial component for creating amino acids and proteins consumed by humans. Jaysons Chemical Industries, being one of the leading manufacturers of ammonia in India, supplies it to clients across different industries.

In this blog, we will explore the many common uses of ammonia and how it has become an essential component of modern life. We will also discuss the safety considerations involved with the handling of ammonia and its prospects as a sustainable chemical.

Common Uses of Ammonia

From cleaning products to agriculture, ammonia has a wide range of applications due to its unique chemical properties. We will explore some common uses of ammonia and how it has become an essential component of modern life.

Read on to discover the various ways ammonia is utilized in different industries and how it has transformed the way we live and work.

Ammonia as a Fertilizer

In agriculture, ammonia serves as a crucial ingredient in fertilizers and plays a significant role in improving crop yields. As a vital source of nitrogen, ammonia provides essential nutrients for plant growth and development, particularly in crops such as corn and wheat that require substantial amounts of nitrogen.

Farmers find ammonia-based fertilizers easy to apply and a cost-effective solution for enhancing crop productivity. Excessive fertilizer use raises concerns about its environmental impact, which may result in soil degradation and water pollution.

Ammonia as a Refrigerant

Ammonia is a popular refrigerant due to its high latent heat of vaporization, low boiling point, and low cost. It is commonly used in industrial refrigeration systems for its efficient heat absorption properties.

Large-scale food processing facilities often utilize ammonia-based refrigeration systems, which can sustain low temperatures for extended periods. However, the use of ammonia as a refrigerant poses safety risks due to its toxic nature, which can harm human health at high concentrations.

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Ammonia in Household Cleaning Products

Ammonia is a common ingredient in household cleaning products due to its powerful cleaning properties. It is particularly effective for removing stains, grime, and grease from surfaces such as floors, countertops, and windows.

Ammonia-based cleaners are also known for their ability to cut through tough dirt and leave surfaces sparkling clean. It is worth noting that the use of ammonia-based cleaners requires caution, as they can be harmful if ingested or inhaled in high concentrations.

Ammonia in Industrial Applications

Ammonia is widely used in various industrial applications due to its unique chemical properties. It is commonly used as a raw material in the production of various chemicals such as fertilizers, plastics, and explosives. In addition, ammonia is used in various industrial processes such as metal treating, cleaning, and degreasing.

Ammonia’s low cost and high availability make it an attractive option for businesses seeking to reduce production costs, representing one of its primary advantages in industrial applications. However, the use of ammonia in industrial applications also poses certain safety risks, as it is a toxic gas that can be harmful to human health in high concentrations.

Ammonia in Food Production

Ammonia is a key ingredient in the food production industry, where it is primarily used for the production of fertilizers and animal feed. Ammonia is utilized as a food additive for baked goods and processed meats, functioning as a leavening agent and preservative, respectively. Furthermore, certain beverages such as beer and soft drinks utilize ammonia in their production to regulate pH levels and enhance the taste and quality of the finished product.

Although ammonia is considered safe for consumption in small quantities, its usage in food production is strictly regulated to guarantee the safety and quality of food products.

Safety Considerations with Ammonia Handling

While ammonia is a versatile and widely-used chemical, it can be hazardous if not handled properly. Ammonia is highly toxic and can cause respiratory issues, skin and eye irritation, and other health problems if exposure occurs. Therefore, safety considerations are of utmost importance when handling and using ammonia.

Proper protective equipment, including gloves, goggles, and respirators, must be worn when handling ammonia, and proper ventilation is necessary to prevent the buildup of ammonia gas. Additionally, proper storage and transportation procedures are essential to prevent leaks and spills.

Jaysons Chemical Industries, as a leading manufacturer of ammonia, follows strict safety protocols to ensure the safe handling, storage, and transport of ammonia for its customers.


In conclusion, ammonia is a versatile and widely-used chemical with many applications across various industries, from agriculture to food production and beyond. Ammonia’s distinctive chemical properties render it a fundamental component in numerous processes, leading to an expected rise in demand for the chemical in the future.

Nevertheless, it is vital to note that proper handling and safety measures must always be observed when working with ammonia to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of those dealing with the chemical.

At Jaysons Chemical Industries, we are committed to providing high-quality ammonia products to our customers while prioritizing safety and responsible handling. As technology advances and new applications for ammonia are discovered, we believe that this versatile chemical will continue to play a crucial role in modern industry.


How does ammonia contribute to food production?

Ammonia is crucial in food production for making fertilizers and animal feed. It’s also used as a food additive in baked goods and processed meats, serving as a leavening agent and preservative. Furthermore, ammonia helps regulate pH levels in beverages like beer and soft drinks.

In what industrial applications is ammonia used?

Industrially, ammonia is used as a raw material in producing fertilizers, plastics, and explosives. It’s also involved in metal treating and as a degreasing agent. Its low cost and high availability make it a favorable choice in these applications, though it carries associated safety risks.

How is ammonia used in refrigeration systems?

Ammonia is utilized as a refrigerant in industrial refrigeration systems due to its high latent heat of vaporization and low boiling point. This makes it efficient in absorbing heat, crucial for maintaining low temperatures in large-scale food processing facilities. However, its toxic nature demands strict safety protocols.

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About the author

Srujal Sharma

Partner at Jaysons Chemical Industries
Srujal Sharma is a Managing Partner at Jaysons Chemical Industries, a chemical manufacturing and logistics company which focuses on supply of ammonia products in the domestic and international markets since 1966. Having 3+ years of experience as an ammonia expert, and as a project manager for more than 2 years prior to that, Srujal has the acumen to carve out the best solutions for ammonia in any industry.

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